Knock Knock: Visiting willyoubemyNeighbor?'s Sunday Afternoon Blog
“Our stories and our histories have parallels that we don’t often recognize. The parallel I am researching is that of proximity. Neighborhoods. Neighbors. Community: How have these things impacted our lives, understandings, and values?”
In May, willyoubemyNeighbor? launched, a multimedia intervention project from the creative mind of Amanda Barnes. Arts Alchemist with Initiatives of Change USA, Amanda has blended her passion for research, photography, graphic design, and art illustration together into a unique storytelling adventure.
willyoubemyNeighbor? serves as an open invitation for anyone to join in this journey of research where she explores how a neighborhood is integrated into one's life path . A key part of willyoubemyNeighbor? is Sunday Afternoons Blog. The blog pulls inspiration from her grandmother’s notebook - a fascinating lens into the different, mundane things that shaped meaning and joy within the life of Amanda’s matriarchal figure. Sunday Afternoons Blog functions as a journal where Amanda shares discoveries, notes, conversations, inspirations, ideas, events, failures, and recipes!
These things may seem to have no relationship to one another. However, they all spark some new kind of discovery or knowing. We invite you to look through the curious journal of willyoubemyneighbor? and think through your own Sunday Afternoon discoveries.
Also be sure to check out willyoubemyNeighbor’s DingDong Chimes page as well. DingDong Chimes is a weekly newsletter featuring found facts and history about different localities of Richmond, Virginia. Inspired by the well know tune that accompanies every house visit, DingDong Chimes will bring new arrivals to your Wednesdays!
So, with all that I just have one more thing to say ... will you be my Neighbor?